Today is April Fools Day and perhaps you are feeling off your game and not as prepared as you would have liked to be. Maybe pranking is not your typical activity, but seeing all the Facebook posts has enticed your inner child and you are ready to slip in a few quick tricks. Professional Choice Insurance is here to assist you in this endeavor. However, a quick disclaimer; please first thing, give our office a call and assure that you have adequate CA Home, CA Renters Insurance, CA Liability Coverage and heck why not throw in some CA Life and Health Insurance policies while you are at it 😉 We are located out of Irvine, CA and we are happy to assist you with any of your insurance and pranking needs.
April Fools Checklist:
- Body Bag – Collect trash in your house, intertwine two black trash bags full of trash, rope trash bags into the form of a person. Please use discretion with this prank.
- Fake Feces – scoop PB in bowl, cover with hershey syrup, mix thoroughly, microwave for 1 min, mix again, add more syrup. Scoop mixture in zip lock bag, cut corner in bag and then squeeze out mixture like frosting onto desired surface. Nasty!
- Cream Cheese Deodorant – Twist deodorant to top, take out current deodorant. Scoop out Cream Cheese and mold it to look like deodorant. Put lid back on gently after.
- Colored Teeth – Put food coloring on your victims tooth brush.
- Vaseline – Put vaseline on car door handles, on house door knobs, for best effect, on toilet seats.
- Nasty Soda – Purchase a sprite (or any clear soda) and any other soda your victim typically drinks that is not clear colored. We will use Diet Coke as example. Poor out Diet Coke, then poor in sprite, then add as much soy sauce as it takes to make the soda dark colored and appear like Diet Coke.
Professional Choice Insurance sure hopes you’ve enjoyed our April Fool’s prank ideas. We would love to hear what pranks you performed, or were done to you. We believe that fun and laughter are two of the best medicines. Call us today for a free CA insurance quote. HAPPY PRANKING!