Don’t Let Your Home be Haunted Without Homeowners Insurance this Halloween!

The holidays are already upon us as Halloween has most likely taken over all your local stores a month or two ago 😉  Halloween invites slightly (very slightly) cooler weather here in Southern California, lots of adorable and scary visitors, as well as deliciously, nauseating Halloween candy. With the increased amount of traffic in your home it is an excellent time to review your California... Read Article

“El Nino is Spanish for, The Nino.”

While Chris Farley consistently provided the most hilarious sketches, the devastation caused by the California El Nino storm were very severe.  El Nino of 1997-98 was California’s wettest winter on record.  Up to seven inches of rain would fall in a single day, roads were washed away, along with beautiful homes that were completely submerged.  The damage caused by El Nino cost California more than... Read Article

America; The Land of the Free!

Source Independence Day; the Birthday of our beloved Country, The United States of America, the Land of the Free, the Land of opportunity, sacrifice, travail and so much more! In June of 1776 we were in the midst of the Revolutionary War.  In order to proclaim their independence from Great Britain, representatives from the 13 colonies formed a decree, The Declaration of Independence.  The Continental... Read Article

What does California Homeowners Insurance Really Cover?

The majority of us do not tend to think about what our Homeowners Insurance policy covers, or does not cover until disaster strikes and we learn about the policy “exclusions” the hard way.  We assume that our Homeowners Insurance will be there for us and cover any type of damage.  This however is a very unfortunate and common misconception.  According Bankrate, “a survey found that... Read Article

California Drought; Simple Water Conservation Ideas

Source Memorial Day marks the first day of summer, time to soak up some sun and splash around in the pool, sprinklers, water parks and beaches. However with California’s continual drought, some of our water plans may be changing this summer. Recently California has been receiving some much-needed rainfall, yet according to, “with emergency drought conditions persisting throughout California, the State Water Resources Control... Read Article