Insurance Blog

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Don't Let Your Home be Haunted Without Homeowners Insurance this Halloween!

The holidays are already upon us as Halloween has most likely taken over all your local stores a month or two ago ;)  Halloween invites slightly (very slightly) cooler weather here in Southern California, lots of adorable and scary visitors, as well as deliciously, nauseating Halloween candy. With the increased amount of traffic in your home it is an excellent time to review your California...

"El Nino is Spanish for, The Nino."

While Chris Farley consistently provided the most hilarious sketches, the devastation caused by the California El Nino storm were very severe.  El Nino of 1997-98 was California's wettest winter on record.  Up to seven inches of rain would fall in a single day, roads were washed away, along with beautiful homes that were completely submerged.  The damage caused by El Nino cost California more than...

Cha-cha-cha-chia; Discover the Incredible Health Benefits of the Chia Seed!

“Ch-ch-ch-chia!” Do you remember those commercials where you could grow a plant on an animal statue and because of the chia seeds the plant would grow to be very lush, quickly? Well, who knew these tiny little black seeds, which can not only make a plant grow fast, they are also edible and are an acclaimed “super food.” These seeds have numerous health benefits and...

It's Time to Eat Some Salad!

Summer is nearing an end and I know many of us have worked hard to get that bathing suit worthy body. However, I am sure most of us do not want to lose that body simply because the summer is over.  We don't have the luxury of winter hibernation in sunny California.  In order to express the importance of having a quality California Health Insurance...

Clever Car Hacks 101

The automobile, one of our most precious commodities!  Did you know the first car was designed by François Isaac de Rivaz in 1807 and was powered by an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen?  Then in 1886 the first petrol or gasoline powered auto-mobile, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, was invented by Karl Benz.  Since then, the average person has increasingly spent more and more time in...